Sunday 2 April 2017

Am I too emotional?

biyy i wanna cuddle :((


Assalamualaikum dan hai!

So my last post is i was pening2 about this one guy right? Seriously rasa macam what? Cepatnya dah habis sem 3 :o and act that guy and me already "not just a friend" anymore hehehehehehehe idk where to start actually. But yeah, he really shows his effort aggresively last semester i guess? Then, i terima jela balik hahaha ur crush likes you back is everyone's dream kottt!!!!! So yeah just like that, we start just like that and we dont have any date so senang cite kitorang takde exact tarikh mcm other couples so that they have anniversary date but we dont sebab benda tiba tiba je gituuuu :* anyways thats my story for last sem. Actually i only have 1 post per sem. So i think this is my post for this semester!! ((joget sikitt))

Jadi, berbalik kepada tajuk kita ye tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, why am i being emotional? Yaa normal lah if in a relationship mesti gaduh punya, baik macam mana pun akan gaduh jugak. So in my case ni sebab im the type yang simple, tak suka contact 25/8, i also want my own time, bukan jenis merajuk easily. But the thing is this guy like to make me wait haih rasa nak mengamuk tau tunggu ni -.- Seriously, memang tak kisah pun kalau dia nak keluar dengan kawan perempuan ke apa as long as bagitahu dulu. Tapi ceritanya i whatsapp him and i wait for him then dia boleh pulak upload gambar perempuan mana tah kan. So on that time, i said to myself "that's it, lepasni takyah tunggu dah, gi tido je" 

I ignore him satu hari... PADAN MUKA!

At first, i thought takde pujukan, baru nak give up, but then my fav notification bunyi!!! Maigod dia punya happy laaaa time tu XD Seronok jugak tau macam ni sebab time tu la kita tengok dia punya effort nak pujuk tu then kami pun berdamai siap salam hari raya lagi hahaha. So girls, jangan kesian sangat dengan boyfriend uolss tu. Kalau tak puas hati cakap je, gaduh, cari pasal pastu sama sama lah cari solution,  jangan lah ko biar berlarutan pulak. Dan hasilnya le[astu you akan rasa lega dan boleh tidoq sengih hehehehehehe :3 SERIOUS TALK dah lama tak rasa berbunga ni ttiba rasa berbunga huhuhuhu ok lah nak sambung tidoq bye guys! walaupun takde org baca pun
